### To test this program with testing_tool.py first create a pipe (fifo) file:
### $ mkfifo pipe
### Then run it like this:
### $ python3 testing_tool.py 0 < pipe | python3 program.py > pipe
### $ python3 testing_tool.py 1 < pipe | python3 program.py > pipe
import sys
def ask(i):
sys.stderr.write(">> {}\n".format(i+1))
print(i + 1)
reply = input()
sys.stderr.write("<<<<< {}\n".format(reply))
if reply == 'N':
return reply
def answer(ans):
sys.stderr.write(">> {}\n".format(ans))
reply = input()
sys.stderr.write("<<<<< {}\n".format(reply))
if reply == 'N':
letters = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
T, F = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
for t in range(T):
M = [['' for i in range(5)] for j in range(119)]
ans = ['', '', '', '', '']
# ask 119 questions and find the first char of the answer
for i in range(119):
M[i][0] = ask(i*5)
freq = {}
for c in [M[i][0] for i in range(119)]:
freq[c] = freq.get(c, 0) + 1
for c in freq.keys():
if freq[c] == 23:
ans[0] = c
# ask 23 questions and find the second char of the answer
for i in range(119):
if M[i][0] != ans[0]:
M[i][1] = ask(i*5 + 1)
freq = {}
for c in [M[i][1] for i in range(119)]:
freq[c] = freq.get(c, 0) + 1
for c in freq.keys():
if freq[c] == 5:
ans[1] = c
# ask 5 questions and find the third char of the answer
for i in range(119):
if M[i][0] != ans[0] or M[i][1] != ans[1]:
M[i][2] = ask(i*5 + 2)
freq = {}
for c in [M[i][2] for i in range(119)]:
freq[c] = freq.get(c, 0) + 1
for c in freq.keys():
if freq[c] == 1:
ans[2] = c
# ask 1 more question and find the forth char
for i in range(119):
if M[i][0] != ans[0] or M[i][1] != ans[1] or M[i][2] != ans[2]:
c1 = ask(i*5 + 3)
for c in letters:
if c != c1 and c not in ans:
ans[3] = c
# find the last char
for c in letters:
if c not in ans:
ans[4] = c
# send the answer